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Life Code (Face to Face) by Susanne Olma

Life Code (Face to Face) by Susanne Olma

We humans were not given any instructions for a successful life at birth . This means that at certain points in our lives we can feel disorientated, exhausted, empty or completely alone. 

At this point we often ask ourselves what the meaning and purpose of our life is and what the solution for a fulfilling life path might look like. 

The FIRST CLASS ENERGY LIFECODE analysis answers three essential questions in life:  

1. Who am I? 

2. Who am I not? 

3. Where do I want to go? 


You will gain initial clarity through a holistic personality analysis, which includes various methods for finding individual strengths, potential and development topics. In the second step, our bioenergetic measurement method will tell you which hindering programming you unconsciously resonate with. These can be destructive beliefs, stressful feelings or patterns passed down from your family over generations that have an effect on you. 

Here you will see who you are not. 

The personal conversation gives you a new perspective to recognize and understand your life and previous connections. 


In just 2 hours you will gain a deep insight into your unique signature of life - your Lifecode . 

Look forward to your Lifecode analysis and your personal Lifecode song , which will be composed just for you based on your results. 

Our coaches are experienced companions on your path to personal development, but not psychologists or therapists. We offer you support in achieving your goals and strengthening your resilience, but we do not guarantee any specific results. Please note that our coaching is not suitable for treating mental illnesses. If you need psychological or therapeutic help, please contact a suitably qualified professional.

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Regular price €500,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €500,00 EUR
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Face to Face Coaching

Face to Face Coaching

Susanne Olma

Susanne Olma

Gesundheits- und Lebensberatung

Über Susanne: Susanne Olma ist eine erfahrene Beraterin im Bereich ganzheitlicher Gesundheit. Ihr Coaching-Ansatz konzentriert sich auf die Erhöhung des persönlichen Energielevels und die Förderung eines ausgewogenen Lebensstils.

Fokus: Susannes ganzheitliche Methoden unterstützen bei der Erreichung des mentalen, emotionalen und seelischen Gleichgewichts. Sie unterstützt Klienten darin, sich selbst zu erkennen, unbewusste Belastungen loszulassen, um mit Leichtigkeit und Freude ein erfülltes Leben führen zu können.

Geeignet für: Für Menschen, die erkennen möchten, wer sie sind, mental-emotionale Barrieren lösen, aus vollem Herzen lieben, kraftvoll und energiegeladen durchs Leben gehen wollen.

Buchbar ab: Januar 2025