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Life & Energy Coaching

Life & Energy Coaching

Susanne Olma has been an energy coach and mental trainer for individuals, professional athletes and companies for over 20 years. But that's not all. With her cinema show "UNSINKBAR", Susanne Olma has been bringing personality development directly to the big screen for the first time in German-speaking countries since 2023 and combines this with a moving live show.  

In cooperation with Votarius, Susanne takes you by the hand with heart, humor and her pronounced ability to see in you what is not yet accessible to you. 

You can choose whether the coaching takes place on site in Rohrbach - Gambach near Ingolstadt, flexibly by telephone or via video call. Due to the high demand, meetings with Susanne are particularly exclusive and require a lead time of up to 90 days - all the more reason to be happy if you can secure one of her coveted appointments!

Choose your desired topic here, on which Susanne should accompany you exclusively here at Votarius : 

Our coaches are experienced companions on your path to personal development, but not psychologists or therapists. We offer you support in achieving your goals and strengthening your resilience, but we do not guarantee any specific results. Please note that our coaching is not suitable for treating mental illnesses. If you need psychological or therapeutic help, please contact a suitably qualified professional.

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Regular price €500,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €500,00 EUR
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Face to Face Coaching

Life & Energy Coaching

Susanne Olma

Susanne Olma

Gesundheits- und Lebensberatung

Über Susanne: Susanne Olma ist eine erfahrene Beraterin im Bereich ganzheitlicher Gesundheit. Ihr Coaching-Ansatz konzentriert sich auf die Erhöhung des persönlichen Energielevels und die Förderung eines ausgewogenen Lebensstils.

Fokus: Susannes ganzheitliche Methoden unterstützen bei der Erreichung des mentalen, emotionalen und seelischen Gleichgewichts. Sie unterstützt Klienten darin, sich selbst zu erkennen, unbewusste Belastungen loszulassen, um mit Leichtigkeit und Freude ein erfülltes Leben führen zu können.

Geeignet für: Für Menschen, die erkennen möchten, wer sie sind, mental-emotionale Barrieren lösen, aus vollem Herzen lieben, kraftvoll und energiegeladen durchs Leben gehen wollen.

Buchbar ab: Januar 2025